Choosing the law school that is best for you

Which law school is best for you?

There might be many reasons why you would choose a particular course or a particular law school. It might be because

  • the particular university has a good reputation in your country or amongst your friends
  • you have examined the curriculum of the course and you think it is what you require
  • you believe the staff who teach at that law school are of a high calibre and/or have a good reputation
  • a member of your family or a friend has already attended that law school and has recommended it to you
  • some of your friends are planning to go to that university, or are already there, and you plan to join them
  • it is in a city where you already have members of your family or friends

And there might be other reasons relating to location, climate, size of the law school, and the number of international students at the university.

Making your choice

If you want to study in a particular city, you will find that all the law schools are grouped by States and cities. There are law schools in all the capital cities as well as many regional cities.

Go to Australia’s Law Schools and click on the links to the law schools which may interest you, and you can find all the details you will need initially to help you make your choice.