A multi-faceted approach is required for the process of internationalising the law curriculum

  • Australian law schools can choose between four models for internationalising the law curriculum:
    > Aggregation
    > Segregation
    > Integration
    > Immersion

They are not mutually exclusive.

  • The most likely approach will be a combination of the aggregation and integration models.
  • Under the aggregation model, specialist subjects/units will initially be developed, usually as part of the electives program. Occasionally a law school will adopt the segregation model and establish a separate program or academic unit within the school dealing with global law, but this will be rare.
  • However, the most effective means of implementing an internationalised law curriculum will be the adoption of an integration model, whereby global perspectives will be woven into all core subjects and many of the electives.  Students will learn the domestic law in a comparative context, developing over time the ability to move easily into the laws of other jurisdictions in order to enrich their understanding of Australian law and to be able to interpret and resolve problems and situations from various global perspectives.
  • There may be a few occasions when an Australian law school is able to offer its students an opportunity to immerse themselves in study in another jurisdiction, possibly studying in a foreign language.
  • For some law schools, the process of internationalisation will be incremental, starting with the offering of specialist subjects/units and leading later to a widespread integration of international perspectives into all core and many elective subjects.