Law schools recognise that legal education must change to reflect this new reality

  • Australian law schools have already recognised this new dynamic and this is reflected in various ways in their undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  • This recognition is not static but is developing to reflect a more sophisticated awareness of how the Australian law degree might be internationalised.
  • To date, internationalisation has been incorporated largely by:
    > the ‘recruitment’ of foreign students to study in Australian law schools in undergraduate and postgraduate programs
    > exchange programs with overseas law schools under which law students can spend some of their time at law school studying at the overseas law school and obtaining credit towards their degree (and vice versa for students from the overseas law school)
    > the establishment of specialist subjects or units, almost always as part of the electives program in the undergraduate degrees, on topics such as Asian Law, Chinese Law & Legal Tradition, or Chinese Intellectual Property Laws in the Global Context
    > opportunities for teaching staff to spend time at overseas law schools, and for academics from overseas law schools to spend time and teach at Australian law schools.
  • All of these will continue and will no doubt expand.