Australian Legal Research Awards – Shortlisted Applicants for the Book Award

October 13, 2020

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It is with great pleasure that we announce the following shortlisted applicants in the Book Award category:

  • Professor Katherine Biber (University of Technology, Sydney) for her book In Crime’s Archive: The Cultural Afterlife of Evidence
  • Associate Professor Melissa Crouch (UNSW Sydney) for her book The Constitution of Myanmar: A Contextual Analysis
  • Professor Desmond Manderson FAAL, FASSA, FRSC (Australian National University) for his book Danse Macabre: Temporalities of Law in the Visual Arts
  • Professor Benjamin Richardson (University of Tasmania) for his book The Art of Environmental Law: Governing with Aesthetics
  • Associate Professor Nicole Rogers (Southern Cross University) for her book Law, Fiction and Activism in a Time of Climate Change
  • Dr Marc Trabsky (La Trobe University) for his book Law and the Dead: Technology, Relations and Institutions

We look forward to announcing the winners in all of the Australian Legal Research Award categories at our online awards ceremony on the evening of Tuesday 17 November 2020 (AEDT), details of which will follow shortly.